
Chengdu Eastern Financial Park


Chengdu, China


Ateliers 2/3/4/ - Ifadur - Diego Rodriguez-Pagès

Nature of the project



Office, Retails, Facilities, Gathering Center, Hotel




180 000m²


Phase 1 : JUIN 2021

To think of a campus is to imagine a special relationship between the landscape area and the buildings that inhabit it.


We wanted to realize a campus made of contrasts, which alternates areas of interiority with more open places. That’s why we searched for a morphology based on courtyard gardens and terraces lookout gardens.

The courtyard gardens by their introversion bring peaceful places, the lookouts offer distant views, they dominate the surrounding landscape.


The Chengdu Financial Park develops both horizontally and vertically in the image, itself of an organic intricacy.


Given the desire to maintain a height limited to 24 meters in the first phase, we imagined that this first set should be seen as the foundation of the future Financial Park. The complex is concentrated in a pure line that detaches from the ground and faces the city centre. A slight inflection marks the presence of a large porch that invites you to enter the heart of the whole.  The thickness is illuminated by a succession of courtyards and gardens that surround a large atrium which distributes the various pavilions placed delicately on the large horizontal overhang of the avenue.


The second phase is structured around a large covered gallery that runs the site from North to South parallel to the large park. This gallery distributes the emerging buildings whose heads are oriented according to the four cardinal points, to evoke the influence of the center. Each of these buildings is organized around atriums inhabited by a cascade of vegetable terraces that extends the campus to the top of the buildings.