Louvresses overpass
Conseil Départemental des Hauts-de-Seine / Hauts-de-Seine Departmental Council
Ateliers 2/3/4/ (Architect) + WSP-BG (consortium leader) - BET Structure / Civil engineering + Coup d'Eclat - Light conceptor
Nature of the project
Creation of a 70 m span over the A86, as part of a north-south green link between the Louvresses business district (6,000 jobs), Gennevilliers RER C station and the Chanteraines departmental park.
Architectural design of the overpass
70 m span x 4 m width
280 m2
Studies 2019-2020
Construction: 2021-2023
Completion: 2023
Inauguration: 2024
Construction compagnies
VINCI Construction - GO/Civil Engineering + VIRY FAYAT Group - Steel structure + WATELET TP - Plants, roads and utilities + VIOLA Group FIRALP - Lighting
Simon Guesdon (Photographs) - Ateliers 2/3/4/ et CDHS (Night photography et graphics)
Designed by WSP France/BG, Ateliers 2/3/4/ and Coup d’éclat, the structure is an integral part of the creation of a north-south green link between the Louvresses business district (6,000 jobs), Gennevilliers RER C station and the Chanteraines departmental park. This route required a 70 m span over the A86.
The major challenge was to protect users from the motorway and railway environment by providing a feeling of safety and relative isolation throughout the crossing, based on three principles:
Define a protective envelope 4m wide created by a mesh similar to a canopy
Treat the path of users as a cocoon separate from the structure
Define a profile with a very taut arc to reinforce the image of the crossing.
Treated in UHPC (ultra-high performance fibre-reinforced concrete), the deck and railings are combined into a single continuous form, like a protective cocoon that extends beyond the structural envelope to support the movement of users.
The 70 m span of the structure, with no possibility of installing an intermediate pier, called for a steel construction solution. It also needed to be installed quickly over the motorway, which could only be closed for a few hours at night.
A unique architectural landmark, the footbridge offers a unique crossing experience by day and night.