Square du Radis Creux – Winner – Prix des Défis Urbains – Public Space Category
We are proud and delighted to announce that Ateliers 2/3/4/ has won the INNOVAPRESSE Prix des Défis Urbains (Urban Challenge Awards) in the Public Space category for its Square du Radis Creux project in Nanterre.
This project aimed at transforming a former parking lot into a square dedicated to the residents of the ZAC des Provinces françaises and was carried out in consultation with local residents, notably for the design of the sports course. Thus, it represents an exemplary illustration of the approach championed by Ateliers 2/3/4/ to urban renaturation, based on biodiversity, reuse, landscape value and urban water management. It also reinforces our commitment to the high value of site use, by implementing new processes that enable actions to be carried out within short – optimistic! – and long-term developments, through close collaboration with all partners.
This prize rewards the teamwork achieved by the agency, the contracting authority Ville de Nanterre, Semna, BERIM, whose support on this project was invaluable, as was that of the Marcel Villette company, which carried out the landscaping work, PEPINIERES DANIEL SOUPE and Pro Urba, our loyal partner in street and sports furniture.
It is a continuation of the work undertaken for several years by the Ateliers 2/3/4/ Landscape team, who was already awarded this same prize 2 years ago for the Haguenau playground and fountain project. The latter was also winner of the Trophée Fibois Grand Est for its short-circuit approach to materials and know-how.
Many thanks to INNOVAPRESSE for this new recognition, and a big bravo to all the teams of landscape designers and engineers; to Hélène Sabot of Semna, to the Ficade group, and more particularly to Arnaud tallon, project director, Célie Nouvet, Marie-Océane Avril, who have worked or work daily alongside Arnaud Devilliers, Architect – Urban planner, Partner, and Florian Luneau, Urban planner – Landscape designer, Partner of Ateliers 2/3/4/ in order to design the future of sustainable cities.