PNEI – Start of work for this biosourced project integrated into the landscape
| PNEI construction site – A bio-sourced building integrated into the landscape |
The construction phase of the Pôle National pour l’Education Inclusive à Ville de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, on the CY Cergy Paris Université site, began on January 15, with completion scheduled for summer 2025.
The project is part of a new virtuous construction approach. Sustainable design, where architecture and landscape become one to meet the challenges of environmental transition and changing uses.
This exemplary approach is based on :
– A rational, flexible architectural design that responds to programming based on the diversity of disabilities and associated uses.
Our objective: to build a building that is adaptable, inclusive and accessible to all.
– A bio-climatic architecture, with a timber structure, timber-framed facade and traditional framework, which blends harmoniously into its environment characterized by lush greenery and a campus dimension.
– A dry construction site, with responsible use of resources. This will help limit environmental nuisance and preserve the protected landscape area (EPP) listed in the local land use plan.
– Ambitious environmental and energy objectives. These include E3C2 and Bâtiment Durable Francilien (Silver level) certification.
An ambitious project, a great collaboration. Thanks to all our partners!
Owner: Rectorat de la région académique Ile-de-France – Pôle Versailles
Delegated project manager: EPAURIF (Etablissement Public d’Aménagement Universitaire de la Région Ile-De-France)
Consortium leader: DEMATHIEU BARD
Ateliers 2/3/4/, architect and landscape designer: Laure Meriaud, Architecte Associée, Grégoire Worms, Vincent Maillot, Fleur Moreau, Yu WU et arnaud tallon, directeur de projet paysage, Shan Jiang
BUILDERS & PARTNERS / VERTICAL SEA / EODD ingénieurs conseils / abc décibel (team of acoustical engineers: Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Nantes, Poitiers) / BATISS Bureau d’étude Sécurité Incendie / Groupe ACCEO / CRAM / DUVAL CONSEIL and many others.
Credits: ©Ateliers 2/3/4/