Ateliers 2/3/4/ and Simon Rodriguez-Pagès take part in the first Rencontres de l’Architecture (FAyS) in Pamplona
Ateliers 2/3/4/ and Simon Rodriguez-Pagès were invited by the Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad (FAyS) to take part in the first FAyS Meeting, held in Pamplona from 25 to 27 September.
“The housing we want.”
Entitled La vivienda que queremos (The housing we want), this first edition was inaugurated on Wednesday 25 September by architect Francisco ‘Patxi’ Mangado, and the President of Navarre, Ms. Maria Chivite. It brings together a group of architects, sociologists, economists and public administration representatives from Spain, Portugal and France to discuss the crucial issue of access to housing.
Improving society by improving architecture: feedback and debate.
Simon Rodriguez-Pagès’s talk, scheduled for 5.15pm today will focus on the Résidence Louise Michel, known as Clos-Adonis, a housing project designed with Pierre Bolze in 1992.
Located on rue du Clos-Adonis in Chaumont, the residence has been recognised for its architectural qualities. Along with 14 other schemes, it has been selected as a pilot site for the REHA-Héritage experimentation and research programme, which aims to renovate dwellings less than 100 years old that require special attention because of their specific heritage, architectural or technical features.
It will benefit from PUCA’s support and expertise in developing innovative operational solutions that combine thermal renovation, ecological transition, architecture and use.
Simon Rodriguez-Pagès will take this opportunity to talk about Ateliers 2/3/4/’s expertise in the field of housing.
Providing creative solutions to the problem of access to housing.
Organised in collaboration with the Government of Navarre, the FAyS Conference has been designed as an open forum for reflection and debate on new strategies to provide creative solutions to the problem of access to housing for all.
For this first edition, the discussions and debates will focus on 4 main areas:
- The problem of land-real estate, approached from the angle of its ownership and availability, as well as its urban management.
2. Models of financing, whether public or mixed, and their management in Spain, France and Portugal.
3. Urban management, between bureaucracy and alternative models.
4. Architectural models: industrialisation of construction, habitability rules, environmental regulations and improving architectural quality within the current regulatory framework.
To find out more about the programme and speakers: I Encuentro FAyS: “La vivienda que queremos” – Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad
Arquitectura y Sociedad
The Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad was founded in June 2008 by architect Francisco ‘Patxi’ Mangado. It aims at promoting a vision of architecture in its interaction with other creative disciplines, thought and the economy. In September 2015, the Foundation was awarded the CSCAE medal (Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectos de Espana) as an entity with activity of fundamental importance in the field of the promotion, dissemination and public presence of architecture.